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Tru Fan

Become A

Embark on a Harmonious Journey with Jessie

Join Jessie on her musical voyage, diving deep into the heart of her creative process. As a TRU FAN, you're not just a spectator; you're part of a community that gets exclusive insights, first access to new releases, and a front-row seat to the magic behind the music. Choose your level of engagement below and be the first to know, the first to experience, and the first to connect.

Welcome to Jessie's world, where every note tells a story, and every song is a step closer to the soul of music.

  • Access to Tru Fan page chat on FB

  • Free admission to virtual concerts

  • One free download of JLPMUSIC single

  • Access to "Unscripted Sessions" (Add exclusive access to virtual backstage sessions where you talk about your music, creative process, or answer fan questions - recorded or live.)

$5 Per Month or $48 Per Year

  • All Silver Membership perks

  • Autograph picture

  • Invitations to "Artist Unplugged Pop Ups" (Give your Gold Members priority access to the details and locations of your intimate local performances in coffee shops, boutiques, etc., where they can enjoy your music in an intimate, relaxed setting.)

$10 Per Month or $96 Per Year

  • All Gold & Silver Membership Perks

  • Exclusive Happy Birthday Video for a person of your choice

  • Access to a Platinum Zoom hangout with Jessie

  • Exclusive JLP Encounter (Invite your Platinum Members to an exclusive, limited-attendance after-show meet-and-greet where they can ask questions, take photos, and engage in a more personal setting.)

  • Opportunity for Exclusive Performance Collaborations (Offer Platinum Members the unique opportunity to suggest or host an exclusive performance in their city, where you perform with local bands or to tracks, with only expenses covered. This could be a fantastic opportunity for them to create a special event or fundraiser.)

$15 Per Month or $144 Per Year